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Mid-Ohio Educational Service Center


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Abraxas Students Decorate a Tree at Kingwood Center

Tree at Kingwood that was decorated by Abraxas Students

Kingwood Center is a local garden that holds Christmas at Kingwood annually to celebrate the magic of the season. This year, Abraxas, in conjunction with Mid-Ohio ESC sponsored a Christmas tree for the event.

Four Student Council members were selected to represent Abraxas and Mid-Ohio ESC by staff coordinators, Shelly Patrick, Jordan McCune, Erich Dumbeck, and Julie Pfiefer. Prior to decorating the tree, the students met with Abraxas and school staff to determine what items would best represent the student population. The students decided that the tree should be representative of all students and the opportunities they have been given through school as well as the Abraxas program. They chose to use horses to represent the horse farm volunteer program, footballs to represent the flag football team, basketballs to represent the winter basketball team, course-specific ornaments to represent the school, books to represent the book club, and food-related ornaments to represent the Life Skills class. Each student also had the opportunity to make an original ornament to put on the tree, including hand-made origami balls created by the art students! These four students were taken to Kingwood Center on November 20th to select and decorate their tree. From start to finish they did an excellent job by exhibiting the 7 Key Principles of the Abraxas program. The student council members worked well together and were very appreciative of the opportunity!

The tree, along with many others designed by various community businesses and organizations, can be viewed at Kingwood Center starting December 1st until January 3rd, Tuesday through Sunday.   Visit Kingwood Link